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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Transition Times

The uptake of broadband use has been slower in Europe than in the US, with approximately one in five households connecting to broadband, compared to nearly one in three in the US. But this is changing quickly. eMarketer tells that "Broadband households in Western Europe increased by nearly 65% last year, a rate twice as fast as the US."

The high speed Internet connection is opening up for quicker transition of offline advertising to online. These two articles tell us that it's already happening. "Video Ads Are Streaming In" stating that "Streaming video ads and sponsorships number over 1 billion served each month, according to a new AccuStream iMedia Research report."

LA Times "Web Pulls Ad Buyers From TV" " stating that "More than 1 million people saw a Buick commercial before watching the antics of "Desperate Housewives." So why should broadcast television executives be nervous?

Because the Buick ad was on the Internet."


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