BitTorrent Launches Search Engine
Wired reports that Bram Cohen, the master mind behind BitTorrent , the ingenious P2P file distribution tool, is launching a multi-media search engine. It will be dedicated to cataloguing and indexing files that are downloaded with the popular Bit Torrent protocol.
The search-engine will carry pay-per-click advertising.
A spokesperson from the project told Wired that: "Web search rates things by relevance. Our search rates things by relevance and availability."
I bet you that most file-sharers like the sound of that!
I guess there will be a full-time job dealing with the 'remove copyright infringing material' requests under DMCA from day one.
4:14 p.m.
Hi Henrik,
"It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it"...Faith No More used to sing. But I don't think they where singing about file sharing ,-)
I'm not a fan of stealing. I think all artists need to get paid for their job. Photographers, writers, artists, singers and songwriters. I know I would have liked to get paid if I was one of the copied bands or filmmakers.
I think most people want to get paid for their work, don't you?
11:16 p.m.
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